Bench Press Controversy: Is the Arch Good or Bad? (Unbiased)

Bench Press Controversy: Is the Arch Good or Bad? (Unbiased)

bench press arch

natural bench press arch
Proper form of the bench press is to maintaining retracted and depressed shoulders while benching. This naturally puts your back into an arch positioned. This is ideal for the average lifter and is good enough and it’s what I strongly recommend you do. 
If you’re powerlifter, then you probably will want to use a more excessive arch for the purpose of lifting more weight for competition. I also want to be clear that I am not telling those of you who are powerlifters to use an excessive arch. 
There is definitely an increased risk of potential injury because you’re going past what is considered “normal”. But using an excessive arch for competition is a “strategy” a powerlifter might want to use.
Take Aways 
In conclusion, it may be best to use a natural arch versus the “powerlifter arch” unless of course you are a powerlifter and you want to lift heavier and use the arch to your advantage in competition.